Our customers

More than 500 national and international companies from a wide range of industries are already using our R2C software solutions. You can read about our customers' experiences with the introduction and use of our solutions in the user reports. Our customer base ranges from medium-sized companies to global players. This also includes listed companies (M-DAX or DAX 30).

Our client base ranges from medium-sized companies to global players. These include listed companies (M-DAX or DAX 30) from the following sectors:

  • Insurance companies and banks
  • Health insurance companies
  • Fund companies
  • Automotive
  • industry
  • Trade
  • Energy and water industry
  • Healthcare
  • Real estate
  • Trade fairs
  • Logistics
  • Municipalities and public services
  • infrastructure
  • Data centers
  • Services industry
  • Chemicals/ pharmaceuticals
  • media
  • and many more

infra places the highest priority on comprehensive security aspects in its information technology. As early as April 2005, principles were adopted that are binding for the entire group of companies. In order to ensure the legally required certification according to ISO/IEC 27001 and the IT security catalog (IT-SiKa) for critical infrastructure by 31.01.2018 at the latest, R2C_SECURITY - the software solution for information security management (ISMS) from Schleupen SE - was implemented at an early stage. This goal was already successfully achieved in 2017.

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Sto SE & Co. KGaA is one of the world's leading manufacturers of products and systems for building coatings. As the undisputed market leader in the field of external wall insulation systems, the company pursues a continuous innovation and optimization approach, both for its products and for its risk management processes. In order to maximize technological excellence and use the mandatory application of IDW PS 340 as a forward-looking opportunity, Sto relies specifically on the integrated risk management software solution R2C_GRC from Schleupen.

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Over 500 satisfied customers trust GRC Schleupen