193 results:
Supply Chain Act (LKSG)  
Declaration of principles / Governance Companies are required to submit a declaration of principles. This includes the strategy for compliance with human rights, as well as the human rights-related e  
Supply Chain Act (LKSG)  
Definition of responsibilities Responsibility for the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) can be managed centrally or decentrally - staff or line  
Supply Chain Act (LKSG)  
Quantitative risk analysis of suppliers Use of exogenous data such as the Human Freedom Index, Transparency Corruption Index etc. to evaluate suppliers.  
Supply Chain Act (LKSG)  
Qualitative risk analysis of suppliers Detailed analysis of "risk" suppliers by means of sanctions list comparison, adverse media, questionnaires and/or on-site audits.  
Supply Chain Act (LKSG)  
Complaints procedure Illustration by means of a whistleblower system in the form of a complaint form on the company's website or intranet.  
Policy management  
Policy management  
Eingabedialog Dokument  
Policy management  
Eingabedialog Ordner  
Policy management  
Übersicht der Dokumente  
Reporting and whistleblower system integrated in R2C_GRC  
1. submission of notification Individual welcome page Freely configurable registration forms, depending on the context Documents, images etc. can be linked and uploaded Feedback function The whis  
Search results 101 until 110 of 193