193 results:
Reporting and whistleblower system integrated in R2C_GRC  
2. anonymization (whistleblowing) Message is forwarded to "Anonymizer " (message validator) via workflow. Message is only visible to this role. "Anonymizer" is informed of receipt of new message by  
Reporting and whistleblower system integrated in R2C_GRC  
3. evaluation & analysis Message is forwarded to processor (message manager). Assignment of rights by means of role concept. Processor is informed of receipt of new message by e-mail. Report is pro  
Reporting and whistleblower system integrated in R2C_GRC  
4. control & follow-up Linking with other entities possible (e.g. risks) Tracking of measures E-mail reminders Outlook integration, using Outlook tasks Various online overviews Confirmation func  
Reporting and whistleblower system integrated in R2C_GRC  
5. reporting & reporting system Customized reporting Possibility to create your own reports. Excel report generator enables the creation of reports using all Excel functions (diagrams, formulas, ma  
Reporting and whistleblower system integrated in R2C_GRC  
Validation Notifications received via the public notification platform must go through the "Validate notification" process step before they can be processed. Only when a user with the role of "messag  
Reporting and whistleblower system integrated in R2C_GRC  
German Whistleblower Protection Act & EU Whistleblower Directive The "Whistleblowing" workflow takes into account the requirements of the German Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG) and the so-call  
Reporting and whistleblower system integrated in R2C_GRC  
Saving statements experts When obtaining statements, the experts created for this purpose can be saved and used again later for further statements. The "Save expert" option can be used for this in th  
Reporting and whistleblower system integrated in R2C_GRC  
Deadline for comments For comments, a deadline can be set by which the experts should submit their statement. If no response is received by the deadline, the application automatically sends reminder  
Reporting and whistleblower system integrated in R2C_GRC  
Dashboard can be set as the start page The whistleblowing system dashboard can be saved by users as their own start page. This is displayed directly after the application.  
Reporting and whistleblower system integrated in R2C_GRC  
Overview of reporting measures The R2C_GRC whistleblower system not only provides an overview, but also a separate evaluation of the reporting measures. Filtering by notification type is also possibl  
Search results 111 until 120 of 193